Winning Messages for Campaign Signs?
Why? Because people are driving past the your campaign signs at 15 or 20 miles per hour, and their attention span for your yard sign lasts only a matter of seconds. Voters won’ t pull over to the side of the road to read your slogan or carefully inspect your list of attributes.
The most important feature of your political campaign sign should be your last name, adding your first name if it helps differentiate you on the ballot. Second in priority is the name of the office you are seeking. Don’ t assume voters will search all over the ballot for your name. Listing the office on your campaign sign helps resolve confusion.
We want all of our customers to win, so we’ re also willing to work with you if you think a slogan is essential to your campaign. When a candidate runs for office, he or she must come up with a message. What do you say to draw positive attention to your candidacy and make the sale to voters? Determining your campaign message is crucial and impacts all facets and strategies of your campaign. Even if you don’ t develop a slogan, you may decide for example that an environmental message is the core to your race for resource district board. That may lead you to select the color green for your logo and signs.
Your message should emphasize your strong points, and should answer the most basic question of voters: “ What’ s in it for me?” Remember that voters need to be convinced your election will have a positive impact on their lives. You’ ll do the best job, or keep taxes low. Tell the story you’ ll help make government run better, faster, cheaper.
No matter what office you seek, understanding the primary concerns of voters is vital in composing your winning message. Once you know what the your constituents want, you can create a message that stems from the strengths that you possess in answering those perceived needs. Your message will then be included in the vocabulary of your campaign literature, as well as your personal pitch for votes.
If you are running a political yard sign campaign, you should ensure that the main features on your signs are your name and the office you’ re seeking. This is the main purpose of political sign campaigns: name recognition. However, if your message can be expressed in no more than few short words, you may decide to add that slogan to your campaign sign.
You should have plenty of research invested in forming your message. You should consider the demographics of targeted areas in your district. As you campaign through neighborhoods, conduct door-to-door efforts, mail out literature, and initiate your yard sign campaign, you can rest assured that your winning message will be heard loud and clear.