The Do's and Don’ ts of Campaign Signs
The following do’ s and dont’ s can help you maximize your yard sign and your campaign.
1. What’ s in a name? A lot!
- Consider the length of your name. Hall and Buckingham are going to require different signs. A portrait layout may work for short names, and a landscape layout is best for long names.
- If you have a common name like Jones, consider including your first name in your sign to distinguish and avoid confusion with other Joneses who may or may not be running for other offices in the current election cycle.
- o If you use your first name, do not use the same font size as the last name, as it may detract from the recall of the last name.
2. What are you running for? The position you’ re campaigning for means a lot. Verify it’ s displayed as a recognizable position, and as it would appear on the ballot. If you’ re only placing signs in you district, eliminate additional references and specific numbers. For example, use Congress instead of 12th United States Congressional District. Additionally, avoid using too many abbreviations, if any.
3. KEEP IT SIMPLE! If you’ re being reelected, show it! Use re-elect as it will distinguish you as the incumbent. Words like vote and for and dates, Nov. 8th, are unnecessary and can detract from your chief mission – presenting who you are and for what position you’ re running.
4. Slogans are great if you’ re placing signs at stoplights. However, most viewers of your sign will be cruising by at 35+ MPH – you’ ve only got a small second window to state your purpose.
5. We are in the age of icons. Everyone knows the symbols of an elephant (Republican), donkey (Democrat), and schoolhouse (School Board)… Get the picture? Symbols or icons may help!
6. Disclaimer - It is the candidate's responsibility to find out the regulations and inform the printer. Make sure you include the disclaimer, "Authorized and Paid for… " or whatever the exact wording and size and position is as dictated by your local and/or state election laws.